Belfast – Northern Ireland
There are more than 40 peace lines in Belfast. They separate republican and loyalist communities and prevent fighting between them. This one seperates Falls Road (republican) and Shankill Road (loyalist). During the Troubles there were heavy fights here and it happens sporadically even nowadays. This wall is long about 5 km.
There are more than 40 peace lines in Belfast. They separate republican and loyalist communities and prevent fighting between them. This one seperates Falls Road (republican) and Shankill Road (loyalist). During the Troubles there were heavy fights here and it happens sporadically even nowadays. This wall is long about 5 km.
Belfast – Northern Ireland
There are more than 40 peace lines in Belfast. They separate republican and loyalist communities and prevent fighting between them. This one seperates Falls Road (republican) and Shankill Road (loyalist). During the Troubles there were heavy fights here and it happens sporadically even nowadays. This wall is long about 5 km.
There are more than 40 peace lines in Belfast. They separate republican and loyalist communities and prevent fighting between them. This one seperates Falls Road (republican) and Shankill Road (loyalist). During the Troubles there were heavy fights here and it happens sporadically even nowadays. This wall is long about 5 km.
The world through a lens
Belfast – Northern Ireland
There are more than 40 peace lines in Belfast. They separate republican and loyalist communities and prevent fighting between them. This one seperates Falls Road (republican) and Shankill Road (loyalist). During the Troubles there were heavy fights here and it happens sporadically even nowadays. This wall is long about 5 km.
There are more than 40 peace lines in Belfast. They separate republican and loyalist communities and prevent fighting between them. This one seperates Falls Road (republican) and Shankill Road (loyalist). During the Troubles there were heavy fights here and it happens sporadically even nowadays. This wall is long about 5 km.